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Vodacek's archive of interesting articles about XNA, MonoGame, DirectX, OpenGL and other graphics stuff. More...
Very important sources of information are blogs all over the internet. These blogs are great, not so much theory, practical and useful information. Many blogs disappear every year and interesting articles are gone. This archive try to save and order all interesting articles about computer graphics, game design and all related stuff. Main difference is that pages are downloaded and stored at this server including images.
If you know some interesting article, please let me know and fill form and I will add it to the archive. Also if you have any questions about archive and its functionality please write me an email and I will try to answer it.
Martin aka Vodacek - vodacek(a in the circle)zvb(dot)cz
In archive is currently listed 752 articles in 171 categories. Most recent articles Do you have tip for interesting article? Is this article in archive?
2D - 72 articles
3D - 131 articles
A* - 5 articles
AABB - 10 articles
AI - 19 articles
Alfa blending - 8 articles
Algorithm - 10 articles
Alpha map - 3 articles
Ambient occlusion - 1 articles
Anaglyph 3D - 4 articles
Angel Script - 3 articles
Animation - 11 articles
Antialiasing - 1 articles
Assets - 2 articles
Augmented reality - 1 articles
Barycentric coordinates - 3 articles
Bias - 1 articles
Billboarding - 4 articles
Blending - 1 articles
Bloom - 1 articles
Bounding box - 3 articles
BSP Tree - 2 articles
Bump maping - 7 articles
BVH - 2 articles
C# - 34 articles
C++ - 36 articles
Camera - 13 articles
Clipping - 3 articles
Cloth - 1 articles
Collision - 34 articles
Color - 10 articles
Compute Shader - 3 articles
Constant Buffers - 2 articles
Content processing - 3 articles
Coordinate systems - 1 articles
Cube maps - 14 articles
Debuging - 2 articles
Decals - 3 articles
Deferred rendering - 14 articles
Depth Buffer - 18 articles
Depth of field - 2 articles
Depth to texture - 4 articles
Detail maps - 2 articles
Directional light - 1 articles
DirectX - 77 articles
Displacement mapping - 7 articles
Distant fields - 2 articles
DXT - 4 articles
Engine - 24 articles
face - 1 articles
FBX - 1 articles
File formats - 3 articles
Filtering - 11 articles
Finite state machine - 1 articles
FNA - 1 articles
Fog - 4 articles
Forward rendering - 6 articles
FPS - 1 articles
Fractals - 1 articles
Frustrum culling - 5 articles
G-Buffer - 1 articles
Game design - 21 articles
Game states - 2 articles
Gamma correction - 4 articles
Gaussian blur - 6 articles
Geometry Shader - 10 articles
Gloss map - 1 articles
GLSL - 64 articles
GPU - 29 articles
Graphics - 12 articles
GUI - 4 articles
HDR - 1 articles
Hexagonal grid - 4 articles
HLSL - 40 articles
Imposters - 4 articles
Independent resolution - 1 articles
Index buffer - 3 articles
Input - 2 articles
Instancing - 6 articles
Interpolation - 4 articles
Isometric - 6 articles
Kinect - 9 articles
Level design - 9 articles
Light masking - 1 articles
Light Pre Pass - 1 articles
Lighting - 38 articles
Linear algebra - 3 articles
Localization - 2 articles
LoD - 3 articles
Lua - 1 articles
Math - 99 articles
Matrix - 32 articles
Mipmapping - 10 articles
MonoGame - 15 articles
Motion blur - 2 articles
Navmesh - 4 articles
Networking - 11 articles
Normal maps - 24 articles
Normals - 23 articles
OBB - 5 articles
OBJ - 2 articles
Object pooling - 1 articles
Occlusion query - 2 articles
Octree - 6 articles
OpenGL - 64 articles
OpenGL extensions - 2 articles
Optimalization - 54 articles
Parallax mapping - 1 articles
Particles - 8 articles
Pathfinding - 14 articles
Payments - 1 articles
PCF - 1 articles
Perlin noise - 2 articles
Physically based rendering - 2 articles
Physics - 20 articles
Pipeline - 3 articles
Pixel - 5 articles
Point light - 3 articles
Portal engine - 1 articles
Post procesing - 34 articles
Procedural generation - 35 articles
Programming patterns - 1 articles
Projective texturing - 1 articles
Quadtree - 4 articles
Quaternion - 8 articles
Rasterization - 10 articles
Ray - 1 articles
Reflections - 2 articles
Render target - 5 articles
Rendering - 44 articles
Rotation - 2 articles
Scripting - 1 articles
Separate axis theorem - 3 articles
Shaders - 36 articles
Shadows - 20 articles
Skinned models - 4 articles
Sky - 4 articles
SkyBox - 4 articles
SlimDX - 16 articles
Sound - 1 articles
Spherical harmonics - 1 articles
Splines - 3 articles
Spot light - 1 articles
SpriteBatch - 4 articles
SSAO - 9 articles
Stencil buffer - 6 articles
Stream output - 1 articles
Sweep test - 3 articles
Tangent space - 5 articles
Terrain - 38 articles
Tessellation - 4 articles
Texel - 2 articles
Text rendering - 3 articles
Texturing - 32 articles
Time - 1 articles
Tips and tricks - 1 articles
Touch screen - 1 articles
Transparency - 4 articles
Triangle - 8 articles
Triplanar mapping - 4 articles
Unity - 8 articles
Vector - 5 articles
Vertex buffer - 5 articles
Vertex declaration - 2 articles
Viewport - 4 articles
Volumetric texture - 1 articles
Voxels - 13 articles
VR - 5 articles
Water - 3 articles
Weather - 8 articles
XNA - 59 articles